Poker Card Hands

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  1. Poker Card Hands Suit
  2. Poker Card Hands

A kicker, also called a side card, is a card in a pokerhand that does not itself take part in determining the rank of the hand, but that may be used to break ties between hands of the same rank.[1][2] For example, the hand Q-Q-10-5-2 is ranked as a pair of queens. The 10, 5, and 2 are kickers. This hand would defeat any hand with no pair, or with a lower-ranking pair, and lose to any higher-ranking hand. But the kickers can be used to break ties between other hands that also have a pair of queens. For example, Q-Q-K-3-2 would win (because its K kicker outranks the 10), but Q-Q-10-4-3 would lose (because its 4 is outranked by the 5).


Poker Card Hands Suit

Poker Card Hands

The key to play poker is knowing the texas Holdem rankings and learning how to play these best poker hands. Pocket Aces - Every poker player knows the power of this poker card ranking. Pocket aces are also the strongest starting hand in poker hand order. They make the best poker hand pre-flop and the odds are 4:1 favourite over any other poker hand. The Royal Flush. The Royal Flush, as the name suggests, is the best possible hand in Texas. Poker hands consist of the best five-card hand made up from any combination of the cards you are dealt and the community cards. Every beginning player, therefore, needs to understand the poker hand. A poker hand must consist of five cards, and it does not matter how many of your hole cards you use. Sometimes you will use both, sometimes only one and on some occasions none of your hole cards will be used. If the community cards.

Kickers in draw poker[edit]

The term is also used in draw poker to denote an unmatched card (often an ace) retained by a player during the draw in the hope that either it will be paired on the draw, or else play as a kicker (in the first sense) on the showdown. A kicker may also be retained in order to deceive an opponent, for example, to represent a three-of-a-kind when the player has only a pair.


Kickers in Texas hold 'em[edit]

Kickers take on special importance in Texas hold 'em, because a common winning hand is one card in a player's hand matched with a card on the board, while the player's second card acts as a kicker. For example, if one player holds A-8, a second player holds A-7, and the board isA-K-6-5-4, the player with the A-8 will outkick the player with the A-7, since A-8's best hand is A-A-K-8-6, while the A-7's hand is A-A-K-7-6.However, if the board held A-K-Q-J-3, the players would tie, because both would play the hand A-A-K-Q-J; in this case it is said that the players' kickers 'don't play', or that the 'kicker on the board plays'. In this case, there would be a split pot.

See also[edit]


PokerPoker Card Hands

Poker Card Hands

  1. ^Krieger, Lou (2006). The Poker Player's Bible. Struik. p. 249. ISBN978-1-77007-469-9.
  2. ^Wolpin, Stewart (1990). The Rules of Neighborhood Poker According to Hoyle. New Chapter Press. p. 335. ISBN978-0-942257-19-9.
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